Raw flax porridge - mango & turmeric

Raw Flax Porridge

So there is a bit of a theme developing here.  As you might tell I am on a mission to increase my intake of flax seeds, and find that this is easy if I start the day with a raw flax porridge.  This means that every morning I am experimenting with different flavours.  You can find a few of my favourites on this blog.

The version this morning was influenced by what I had, or rather didn't have,  in my fridge.  A mango that was ready to eat and a distinct lack of much else, particularly my usual box of almond milk.  So I first used my Vitamix to make some cashew milk - that took all of 15 seconds.  I then decided to add some turmeric, a yellow spice more often associated with curry.  Why turmeric you might ask? 

This spice has been used in traditional cuisines for thousands of year.  Research shows that it has very real medicinal properties.  The active substance contained in turmeric are curcuminoids.  These act as antioxidants (1) and exert a powerful anti inflammatory (2)  effect in the body.  Which is why I try to find ways to add this spice to the dishes that I prepare.

Admittedly this version of my raw flax porridge is more of an acquired taste, I can't guarantee that everyone will love it, however you could leave the turmeric out and just stick to the mango.

Ingredients for one
15g cashew nuts
150ml water
1/2 small mango
2 tablespoon ground or milled flax seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric


Place the cashew nuts and water into a high powered blender such as a Vitamix or NutriBullet / equivalent.  If you don't have this piece of kit then leave the cashews to soak in the water for 20 mins.  Blend until smooth and creamy, add the mango and turmeric and blitz again.

Place the mango mix into a bowl with 2 tablespoons ground flax and leave to soak for 30 minutes or overnight.  It will thicken up to the consistency of loose porridge.  Sprinkle over some additional seeds / nuts and enjoy.

If you like this idea then check out my raw blackberry flax porridge too

(1) Menon VP, Sudheer AR. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;595:105-25.

(2) .  Anti-inflammatory properties of cur cumin.  A major constituent of curcuma long.  A review of preclinical and clinical research.  Altern Med Rev. 2009 Jun;14(2):141-53.